FTP connection lost


Vu+ Newbie
Hi All.

Some time ago ftp connection worked well (dreamboxedit as well), but now it seems to be down - like there is no more FTP server at my box.

While webif/web connection is still working.

What can I do to restore ftp function at the box ?
If using OpenBh have you set a password, and entered the password in Filezilla, or other FTP program? The same for dreamboxedit.
Seems that FTP service at the box is simply not running - it's not asking for password, it says "WSAECONNREFUSED". If to try it via MS Explorer - it's simply doesn't connect to box via FTP.

While samba work well, I have access to all files at the box. this may happened after recent updates via VU+ from the box.

How can I check/wake up FTP service?
Do you have OpenBh 5 loaded on your receiver, or other image?

ConnRefused, might be connection refused, due to a lack of a password.

do you have a PC, or Mac? Please supply more detailed information.
I have VTI 15.0.0 image. The thing is - FTP was working some half a year ago, I sorted channels via DreamboxEdit.

Now I tried to connect also via MS Iexplorer - when there is a need in password for FTP - it opens a window to enter (I also have skyter box, it does so). With VU+ - it simply says 'no connection', as there is no responce from FTP.

I suspect that some of recent updates which I installed via box menu - might changed/stopped FTP at all. Where I can check it - having in mind that I still can access all files at the box via SAMBA?