OpenVpn update in BlackHole


Vu+ Newbie
Hi to all,

i am running OpenVpn 2.1.3 on a vu+ solo se with Blackhole 2.1.7.
However the vpn provider states that in order for the vpn to function correctly openvpn 2.3 or higher is needed.
How can i udpate the openvpn?

Thank you in advance
You can't. You need to install a much more recent image.
And, on your old box, I'd strongly recommend OBH, lighter and more developed: BH will be no longer developed, it seems.
No update is possible: you need to flash your box and start from scratch.
You can save your channels either by the webinterface (OWIF) or by a software specific for your computer.
By the OWIF is simple: you can type the IP of your box in a browser when you are connected to the same network of your box.
You have the bouquet editor there.
Yes, i meant if you could point me to a guide for the new openBH installation (flash) process...
Thanks for the info with the channels. Apart from that will i need to save any other configuration?

Thank you again
Yes, i meant if you could point me to a guide for the new openBH installation (flash) process...
Thanks for the info with the channels. Apart from that will i need to save any other configuration?

Thank you again

You can see how flash the flash here.

Yes you have to save everything you have and that is not part of the image... everything.

This box is very old, I hope you are successful. You can find the OBH image here.
Yes, i meant if you could point me to a guide for the new openBH installation (flash) process...
...will i need to save any other configuration?
All images may be flashed exactly the same way: if you have ever flashed an image, there's no difference in OBH or any other one.

Other settings to save, actually, if your system (LNB used) is complicated, well, you might take note of your tuner configuration. But, as your box is old and it does not have FBC tuners (which are the most complex to configure) it shouldn't be so difficult to reconfigure.
Otherwise, you can save the file

but it requires expertise to be read and to extract the specific lines you need and to be put in the settings file from OBH.
I'd say that bouquet and channels are enough to save, after all.

Instead, if you don't know how to flash, then follow the links kindly provided by p.rodrigues
Hi to all..

Following the instructions i flashed the box and now i have BH 3.1.0. I updated to BH and not OBH just to see the procedure and be as close to the original as possible...
However, when i tried to backup the bouguet through the web interface i received an error (something like a file in /etc/enigma2/some_X_IPTV missing) and did not manage to save the channels.
Following other instructions i have saved the /etc/enigma2/settings file. But, when i put it in place and reboot the box it overwrites it...
Is it possible to transfer to the box my previous settings through the settings file that i have kept? Or do i have to start from scratch?

Thanks again for all the help
A useless step: as said, there's no difference in flashing any of the images.
And if you flashed, then your bouquets were empty! What bouquets do you want to transfer?
You must've saved your bouquets before flashing: did you do that?
I did not manage to backup the bouguet through the web interface because when i tried to export i received an error (something like a file in /etc/enigma2/some_X_IPTV missing).
I only have the /etc/enigma2/settings file. Is it possible to get anything from that?
No: settings contains tuner setting and other configuration, most of whom useless from BH to OBH.
To backup your channels and bouquets you can try a software for your operative system.
But you haven't answered: you got this error from OWIF before or after flashing by BH 3.1.0?
I got the error before flashing the new BH 3.1.0 and that is why i did not keep the channels. I tried to back up the channels through the OWIF bouguet editor as you have suggested and i got the error.. Then i flashed the new image...

Actually i am helping a friend who has the box. I have knowledge of linux administration and this is how i treat the box. I have never seen it, i do not have it in my hands. I am simply accessing it by CLI and try to make the VPN operate... We have guessed that the previous verion of OpenVPN was the problem, but now that we have flashed the new image and got openvpn 2.3.6 we are facing the same problem when we try to connect to an iptv provider.... Moreover we lost the previous sattelite channels! Never mind we will continue the effort...

Thanks for the support, anyway....
Also...since i am still in BH... Can i do anything the saved settings file?
When i try to place it in /etc/enigma2 after reboot of the box the file gets erased and replaced by other settings....
You can't store this file while enigma2 is running: you need to stop it by
init 4
then transfer the file and restart it by
init 3

but I can't assure you won't have unexpected behaviours, particularly when you will launch plugin panel, as BH and OBH have many different aspects.
I'd save only the lines concerning tuners' configuration (all the one starting by NIMS) and copy it in the new file (always operating in your PC, of course).