BlackHole image updates.

EPG is widely customizable in OBH (Menu/Setup/EPG): and OBH has got also the chance of customizing the remote keys.
So, you may, for instance, assign to EPG and Long EPG two different choices, like the single channel EPG. Once there, just press P+/P-.
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EPG is widely customizable in OBH (Menu/Setup/EPG): and OBH has got also the chance of customizing the remote keys.
So, you may, for instance, assign to EPG and Long EPG two different choices, like the single channel EPG. Once there, just press P+/P-.

Super thx
Best regards
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Vu+ repo was updated, few links to sources updated - after 1year.
Updater is smlee and I see that he cares about applications/plugins only (kodi/player/browser/...).
What is going on?
Vu+ repo was updated, few links to sources updated - after 1year.
Updater is smlee and I see that he cares about applications/plugins only (kodi/player/browser/...).
What is going on?
They updated some git address's because the ones listed don't exist anymore.

Probably they realised after 1 year they can't even build there own factory image anymore.
Because they are... a factory ;) Should they sell boxes naked? Then, if people have almost never used their image, it's another story.
Anyway, if their are going towards those messy images like Pure2 and Kodi, they are even further from my tastes than before.
I have no problem staying with python2
For me the system is very stable in a blackhole image.
If the factory VU+ gives extra improvements then I say thank you.
BH could be Python7 but it wouldn't become a comfortable image the same: it's uncomfortable for itself because it's uncomfortable the vuplus code. BH has tried, during these years, to make the uncomfy vuplus code a bit more friendly but the core is the same: you can't turn a piece of plastic into a pearl.
And that's why, although BH was my first love, I had to abandon it for the powerful, full of features and very much customizable OBH.
But, of course, everyone can live as they like.