Subtitle colour


Vu+ Newbie
How do I change the colour of the subtitle?

Right now it is white text on transparant background.
And I want it to be a black background.

How do I fix this thing?

/ Fjatboy
U need to play with skin.xml file.
It is located in /usr/share/enigma2/SKINNAME

I asume you want this for s k y subtitles, in that case look for "Subtitle_TTX" in the code and add following:

note that 40101010 is the color value, try changing it for the result that suits you.
U need to play with skin.xml file.
It is located in /usr/share/enigma2/SKINNAME

I asume you want this for s k y subtitles, in that case look for "Subtitle_TTX" in the code and add following:

note that 40101010 is the color value, try changing it for the result that suits you.
How do I change the colour of the subtitle?

Right now it is white text on transparant background.
And I want it to be a black background.

How do I fix this thing?

/ Fjatboy

Do you mean like the file in attach?
You don´t fix that by edit settings in subtitle section, not that I know of anyway.
Maybe some developer will reply and tell if it is doable to fix the subtitle like in the attached file`?


  • screenshot2.jpg
    158.4 KB · Views: 29
I have looked in to this thread and tried to solve the problem with the background. After some fiddeling around I have managed to get som shadow on the letters so at least the text get readable when there is really white pictures. Still no luck with transparent or black background.

line 1912 to 1915
<sub name="Subtitle_TTX" font="Regular;32" foregroundColor="#DCDCDC" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="2,2" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Regular" font="Regular;32" foregroundColor="#DCDCDC" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-2,-2" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Bold" font="Replacement;32" foregroundColor="#DCDCDC" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-2,-2" />
<sub name="Subtitle_Italic" font="Regular;32" foregroundColor="#DCDCDC" shadowColor="#40101010" shadowOffset="-2,-2" />
Yes it looks better with your config.
Still, a black background behind the subtitle would be bery nice.
Asking the developers once again... Is it possible to create a black background behind the subtitle?
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It seems like this thread is going to fade away.
I thought that someone (a programmer) was willing to answer to my question about a gray/black background for the subtitles, if it is even possible to create such feature?