Esiste un manuale delle funzioni delle immagini Blackhole?


Vu+ Newbie
Come da oggetto, esiste un manuale e soprattutto un manuale con le funzioni del telecomando?

Ho letto in altri forum che addirittura il telecomando del Vu+ può controllare anche la TV previa giusta configurazione, ne sapete qualcosa?
Un manuale per la Black Hole non credo che ci sia in giro, mentre per quanto riguarda il telecomando, riporto il contenuto delle pagine 63 e 64 del manuale del Solo:

Remote Control Unit (RCU) Set-up

Vu+ RCU is a universal RCU that can be used for TV and STB at the same time.

User Guide of Vu+ Universal RCU

<< >> means long press
< > means normal press
4 digit code can be found in the TV brand code list of the user manual.

The new RCU of Vu+ is a universal type and you can control your Vu+ STB and TV at the same time. This universal RCU is a modeless design. While offering the basic control functions of your TV (TV Power, Volume +/-, Mute, AV), you can control STB without having to select mode between TV and STB every time. Compared to those universal RCU of mode selection types, the modeless universal RCU of Vu+ is clearly a smarter choice by eliminating unneeded control functions.

1. TV setting
Set-up Sequence: <<1 + 3>>, <4digit brand-code>, <<Mute or Power>>

1. Press number 1and 3 for three seconds until LED is on.
2. Find your TV brand-code from the TV code list and insert 4 digit code.
- If you press “0000”, Full Automatic Scan will start. This will take a while.
3. Keep pressing Mute button (or Power) until your TV is muted (or turned off)
4 .If your TV is muted (or turned off), stop pressing Mute button.
5. Now, your RCU is in test mode and press Volume + /- to check if your TV responds.
6. If the volume buttons are operational, Press <OK + STOP ( )> to escape from the set-up mode.

2. AV setting
AV button is for the selection of TV video source.
AV button may be automatically set up depending on TV models.
In case it is not automatically configured, please follow the instructions below.

Set-up Sequence <<1 + 9>>, <<AV>>

1. Press 1 and 9 for three seconds until LED is turned on.
2. Keep pressing AV button until your TV responds and displays the video input source. 3. If AV button is working, check if AV button is properly working several times.
4. Press <OK + STOP ( )> to escape from the set-up mode.

3. RCU Buttons for TV
* Buttons for TV only: TV Power. AV
* Buttons switchable between TV and STB: Volume +/ - and Mute
- These buttons are for STB only before the RCU set-up is done.
- It is switchable only after the configuration is done. * All the other buttons are for STB only

4. Mode Switch of Volume + / - and Mute
For the sake of easy volume control, please set the STB volume at 50% of the maximum level and set this level as the default volume level from STB. Then, you just have to control your TV volume only without having to adjust STB volume at the same time.
Set-up Sequence: <<1 + 6>>, <9>, <9>, <3>, <TV Power or STB Power>
1. Press 1and 6 for three seconds until LED is on.
2. Press <9>, <9>, <3>.
3. If you want to control of TV volume, press TV Power button. If you want to control STB volume, press STB Power button.

5. Reset of TV Set-up
In case you want to reset the configured TV set-up of your RCU,

Press Sequence: <<1 + 6>>, <9>, <9>, <6>
1. Press 1and 6 for three seconds until LED is on.
2. Press <9>, <9>, <6>.
3. This will reverse the RCU into no configuration state.

6. System Code Change.
You can change the system code of your Vu+ universal RCU according to the Vu+ model that you want to control. The default system code is Mode 2.
Mode 1 : SOLO / DUO
Mode 2 : UNO
Mode 3 & 4 : reserved for future models.

Press <<2 + 7>>, <HELP>, <0001 or 0002 or 0003 or 0004>

1. Press 2 and 7 for three seconds until LED is on.
2. Press HELP
3. Press <0001 or 0002 or 0003 or 0004>
Qualcuno sa dirmi le combinazioni dei tasti colorati?
Intendi le funzioni?

Tasto rosso:
pressione breve > abilita il plugin HbbTV
pressione prolungata > Pannello Parallel Universes

Tasto verde:
pressione breve > BH Green Panel

Tasto giallo:
pressione breve > Menu Audio

Tasto blu:
pressione breve > BH Blue Panel
pressione prolungata > Menu Estensioni