Couple of HD channels Crash Box


Vu+ Newbie
Received Solo2 yesterday and I must say it looks and feels good!
Installed Latest BH Image with ease and downloaded plus edited settings all went well and works well, apart from one or two HD Channels crash the box.
My setup is: two fixed dishes, one feed to 28.2 and the other dish and feed for Hispasat 30.0
Tuner A Simple Hispasat 30.0 and same for Tuner B for 28.2

Any suggestions why the crash (green Screen) is happening is greatly appreciated

What setting are using i know few of us had issue with catseyes settings

try use dream set to send your setting
What setting are using i know few of us had issue with catseyes settings

try use dream set to send your setting
I'm using Predr@g settings and I did use Dreamset to edit and send.
I will try manual scan to see if it corrects itself.
