2 tv Channel, first one streamed on PC, the second one on TV


Vu+ Newbie
I have an antenna with 4 satellites, 2 subscribers (using Twin LNBs), one output goes to Input 1(LNB1) and second output goes in Input 2 (LNB2).
I hope with the configuration I can stream one channel, using the transcoder option, on my PC and another channel from satellite to watch it on my TV.

Is this possible with SOLO2 ? How ? Any hint will be very useful.

I configured the tuner A, simple A/B/C/D. (i guess this is diseq 1.0) Tuner B is configured in the same way. Everything seems ok until now. I can stream a TV channel on PC whereas I watch a movie with Media Player from a Lacie NAS Server.
Now, I want, in parallel with streaming one channel on PC, to watch another channel from satelite on the TV
Can anyone help me ?

Thx in advance
Vu Solo2, BH 1.7.9.
Thanks darian23, but it seems that it has no impact if i tick or not the "zap before stream". However i discovered that for few channels i can watch one on PC and other on TV.

However, for almost all of them i got "Not free tuner " message. Why ? as long as there are two tuner (settings mentioned above), each feed with signal. What is wrong ?
I think you need to set priority for your tuners - let's say tuner a has priority 1 and tuner b priority 2.
It works with me anyway :)
Just check which tuner your receiver uses for watching channels. There should be one all the time in your case (possibly tuner A)
I have browsed for 1h on remote control settings and didn't find nothing related to tuner priority . Any hint where are these options/menu settings in Black Hole image 1.7.9 on Solo2 .
Might it be due to the fact i used a simple (not advanced) configuration for the tuner ?
I have browsed for 1h on remote control settings and didn't find nothing related to tuner priority . Any hint where are these options/menu settings in Black Hole image 1.7.9 on Solo2 .
Might it be due to the fact i used a simple (not advanced) configuration for the tuner ?
Channels with the same frequency can be watched without zapping.
But when you try to watch channels with different frequencies it will zap.
I have browsed for 1h on remote control settings and didn't find nothing related to tuner priority . Any hint where are these options/menu settings in Black Hole image 1.7.9 on Solo2 .
Might it be due to the fact i used a simple (not advanced) configuration for the tuner ?

That's correct - I use advanced config.
Just thinking about your settings and info that 'no tuner available' - how your 4 sats are linked to your tuner - through 1 diseqC switch or 2? I think that could be a problem

Channels with the same frequency can be watched without zapping.
But when you try to watch channels with different frequencies it will zap.

That's not right - if you have twin LNB it's like two separate dishes - you can watch two different channels at the same time.
It won't zap if this option is unthick in webif config.
That's the way it works with me - I can watch one channel on my tv from fixed dishes and watch stream from 2nd tuner on my pc without any changes on tv
I used 2 Diseq configured 1.0 (I assume). Have a look to the attached doc (a powerpoint slide), my system with 2 subscribers and 4 satellites.
I think that i will try the advance settings for my tuners.


One correction, in the second slide there is a mistake. In reality i have the settings : "Set DISEq only on satellite change": NO
I attached a slide with tuner A settings. For tuner B i used the same settings. With these settings Tuner A decodes only Thor satellite and Tuner B only Astra. any idea if it something wrong in the settings which i used.

After I try several settings I reach the conclusion that possible it is something wrong with the Diseqc Switches. Some time it seems that i don not have signal to one tuner, sometime yes. It is not clear for me what happens. I already ordered new switches. In meantime, until i receive the new switches, i read Diseq specification.


Inputs settings are used with uncommitted switches, you should use AA, AB, BA and BB if you've committed one.
What brand and model are they? You haven't posted it here yet
I have one Telestar and one Megasat. What exactly means "committed", "uncommitted" ?
Can you recommend me a tutorial / application related to Diseqc ?
The new switches are "Spaun SAR 411 WSG" . They will arrive Friday.

10 x Thanks for your support !
I have one Telestar and one Megasat. What exactly means "committed", "uncommitted" ?
Can you recommend me a tutorial / application related to Diseqc ?
The new switches are "Spaun SAR 411 WSG" . They will arrive Friday.

10 x Thanks for your support !
Just an update. If your previous configuration worked on any of other receivers there 100% chance it will work with your present receiver.
I'd stick with setting you had previously - simple config with diseq 1.0 and sats set up for A, B, C, D. But it will be just for testing, if you could try it.
Firstly try to configure both tuners the same way - do not use option tuner B equal to A. Have you tried it?
If stream still doesn't work just try to configure tuner B as a equal to A. And test streaming - but I think that way it won't work.

My configuration is a bit different, I've got rotor and three fixed LNBs and streaming working independently (what means both tuners working independently).
There is something wrong in your case however if both tuners are configured correctly there is no chance you'll get message 'no tuner available'.
What are you exactly doing to stream on your PC?

I do not know any tutorial about diseqC. I've been working for sat companies since first multiswitches and first diseqc switches came on the market and after I left them it was my hobby...
Committed and uncommitted switches were built to use more than 4 LNBs with one receiver. Simply saying they both working with slightly different commands - committed one will not react for uncommitted command and uncommitted won't switch receiving committed command. They mainly work in cascades. More info you will find reading Eutelsat spec regarding diseqC :)