1.7.9-3 Solo2 Black screen on Pause


Vu+ Newbie
Hi All,

I'm getting a black screen when pressing pause on live TV, the same thing happens if I use autotimeshift when I rewind.

When I press play the picture comes back, has anyone come across this, I'm using the latest VU+ Solo2 drivers.
Hi All,

I'm getting a black screen when pressing pause on live TV, the same thing happens if I use autotimeshift when I rewind.

When I press play the picture comes back, has anyone come across this, I'm using the latest VU+ Solo2 drivers.

Where do you store stimeshift? HDD NTFS, ext3 or USB stick?
I'm using a 1T Hitachi cinemastar 5k1000 internal SATA 3, can't remember if it's ext3 or ext4, Just flashed VIX on it with latest drivers and it's fine, so I think the fault is not with drivers but BH image.
I'm using a 1T Hitachi cinemastar 5k1000 internal SATA 3, can't remember if it's ext3 or ext4, Just flashed VIX on it with latest drivers and it's fine, so I think the fault is not with drivers but BH image.

One hard disk is only bare metal and circuits.
The difference can be in the filesystem used.
Vix can use other default filesystems than BH doesen't use.
It's not an image bug.
Permanent Timeshift plugin, with a Western Digital Scorpio Blue 1TB HDD, formatted in EXT3, works great here. Rewind, pause and play works as it should.
I think the problem is with VU+ drivers, encrypted channels with software cam (I have legit subscription card).
Fine on FTA.
WRONG. If you continue with this kind of posts I will ban you.

I understand the rules here, I do not quite understand what you are saying I am not doing anything illegal, I pay £70 a month for a subscription to sky. That is what the card slot is for in my box surely?
I understand the rules here, I do not quite understand what you are saying I am not doing anything illegal, I pay £70 a month for a subscription to sky. That is what the card slot is for in my box surely?
You are not allowed to talk about softcams or anything like that. What is there not to understand?
I understand the rules here, I do not quite understand what you are saying I am not doing anything illegal, I pay £70 a month for a subscription to sky. That is what the card slot is for in my box surely?
Rules of forum, point 4
4) Discussions regarding, pedophilia, pornography, piracy (keys, emulators, card sharing,
softcams, serial, crack warez) and to any debate illegal under existing laws are not allowed.
Recall also that it is illegal to reproduce your subscription to any Sky decoder IC that
has not paid the royaltes to NDS Group plc.
In order to prevent any discussion about the possible unlawful use of the receivers, it's forbidden
any debate about the smartcard reading and encoding systems.

In your Solo2 user manual is written, what are card slots for.
Rules of forum, point 4
4) Discussions regarding, pedophilia, pornography, piracy (****, emulators, card sharing,
softcams, serial, crack warez) and to any debate illegal under existing laws are not allowed.

Recall also that it is illegal to reproduce your subscription to any Sky decoder IC that

has not paid the royaltes to NDS Group plc.

In order to prevent any discussion about the possible unlawful use of the receivers, it's forbidden
any debate about the smartcard reading and encoding systems.

In your Solo2 user manual is written, what are card slots for.

Thank you for that quote, that is all I wanted to know. Enough said :)