720p vs 1080i

I have found another solution, i installed VU+ Uno Driver from 17.08.2011 and picture is now very good, without autoresolution, the problem with quality is the driver, newer version picture looks bad

azz...so old driver can be better than the lastest?:huh:
someone else same situation?
can anyone help please my autoresolution is missing of the menu's. I have tried reinstalling the addon/plugin but this does not cure the missing menu item. Any help would be appropriated.
I have found another solution, i installed VU+ Uno Driver from 17.08.2011 and picture is now very good, without autoresolution, the problem with quality is the driver, newer version picture looks bad

Could you please provide some simple steps of how you did this. Many thanks
@all: Broadcom processor of Vu+ Solo, Uno, Duo, Ultimo specifications: 1080i max. Vu+ Solo2: 1080p max. Going over could genarate problems.

My settings: No autoresolution, Duo 1080i, Solo2 1080p. SD and HD channels Astra 23,5 (Astra HD demo RAI, and others FTA) quite same quality, tested on LG M2450D (viewing from 1,5 meter distance).

When you write SD, it's not correct. You should write: Resolution xx, bitrate xx. Because normal PAL resolution is 720x576, 50 Hz, but you can find 352x288 too. HD is the same thing (SD Mpeg-4 acts as HD).
I tested this much time (about 1 year). For best results do this:

1. In AV setting put default 576i (with this setting have not downscaling on SD channels,so we get best result)
2. In Autoresolution set this:

a) default
b) default
c) 576p
d) 576p
e) HD inter - 1080i
f) HD deinter - 720p

all other like write in left part.
On the end 2 last setting turned off.

3. Video enhancements

a) Scaler - 0
b) sharpness scaler - 0

Save all.

Tried these settings on my Solo2 but pretty sure get better results with simply 1080i and leaving autoresolution off.
Have the drivers improved perhaps or perhaps because its a Solo2.
Why not 1080p ?

Actually I've ended up using 1080p and using autoresolution plugin to change interlaced to 1080i. Think hd looks better like this, but could be way I've got my tv set up also complicating things.
Honestly I find it hard to tell even stood close to telly if 1080i is better for sports etc so could be wrong.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2
Honestly I do not see a big difference between 1080p and 1080i
I'll change my HDMI cable and I'll see what happens
Honestly I do not see a big difference between 1080p and 1080i
I'll change my HDMI cable and I'll see what happens

1080p is the best solution for video resolution - output for box to TV. But 108op doesn't make better 720x576i or lower resolution signal. It remains as it is. Use "search". The same question was already discussed and commented.
1080p is the best solution for video resolution - output for box to TV. But 108op doesn't make better 720x576i or lower resolution signal. It remains as it is. Use "search". The same question was already discussed and commented.
Thanks mate