A few little questions...

human 19

Vu+ Newbie
Hi all,

I installed the blackhole mediaserver 1.4.4 , and got the djclient playin from the computer within 2 evenings (Woohoo!). No more crappy VLC plugin for me. So now I would like to stay with this image for a while. In order to set it up just as I like, I just have a few questions which I'm sure you experts will be able to answer straight away.

They may also help other newcomers to this image.

Skins: Is there a way to quickly get a list of available skins to download. The only way I see now is to search through Package Management. This leads to the next question...

In package management after installing something and choosing not to restart yet, I go back to the start of the list. Any plans to put a memory in there to go back to the last package after installing?

Back to skins: what is the closest to Ghost HD which I used on Vix?

How can I edit skins with settings like transparency?

EPG: is it correct to say that EPGs are normally only refreshed when zapping into a channel on a particular transponder?

How can I set it up that EPGs are refreshed automatically on startup?

Djclient: can that only see .avi or a limited number of files on the mediatomb server?
Or is that due to the mediatomb setup on the computer? I installed various gst and gstreamer packages until I got bored (see package management question above). Still no luck.

Does blackhole do software updates between versions? If so, how do I update software? Cant see the option anywhere.

Is there an option to save bouquets easily for overwriting in new images, or do I have to look for the correct file and save a copy of it?

When trying to play a particular .avi file from the computer I got the error “JPEG decoder not available” or somethin like that. Is there a particular package which will solve this?

ORF plugin – picture shows up but when selected, get error message “no server was selected”. How do I fix that? (Zdf Mediathek gives 4 options to choose from – choosing 1 of the mov selections works)

No doubt I will think of more , but that will do for now.

Thanks in advance,
Just a few answers

You must not use skins for CVS from package management in BH images
We have our server with our skins e.t.c
Green button >> Yellow>>Addons Download Manager >>>>>>

We have BH EPG system
You can do almost everything you asked for the EPG.

Skin transparency you can tune in A/V Settings

No automatic updates for BH images.We not use this.

For settings Backups you can use Software managment Panels.
For all image backups use scripts from our server
For scripts use our Script panel
Skins: Is there a way to quickly get a list of available skins to download. The only way I see now is to search through Package Management. This leads to the next question...
Green -> Yellow -> Addons Download Manager -> BH E2 Image Skins

In package management after installing something and choosing not to restart yet, I go back to the start of the list. Any plans to put a memory in there to go back to the last package after installing?
I do not know, but letters on number remote control buttons will drive you to different portion of the list

Back to skins: what is the closest to Ghost HD which I used on Vix?
My suggestion is to try them, this is the only way to understand which is good for you

How can I edit skins with settings like transparency?
Manually edit skin.xml file on /share/enigma2

For OSD transparency there is a set in Menu Setup System A/V Setup

EPG: is it correct to say that EPGs are normally only refreshed when zapping into a channel on a particular transponder?
Yes and no. It is refreshed for the whole transponder when you zap into a channel in it.
However you can also use EPG Setup (Blue -> Red) to have a better coverage.

How can I set it up that EPGs are refreshed automatically on startup?
See above

Djclient: can that only see .avi or a limited number of files on the mediatomb server?
Or is that due to the mediatomb setup on the computer? I installed various gst and gstreamer packages until I got bored (see package management question above). Still no luck.
Client (djmount) sees what server (mediatomb, Twonky, etc) shows

Does blackhole do software updates between versions? If so, how do I update software? Cant see the option anywhere.
No. You should configure a backup (Menu Config SoftwareManagement AdvancedOptions ChooseBackupFiles).
When you re-flash it reloads your files automatically

Is there an option to save bouquets easily for overwriting in new images, or do I have to look for the correct file and save a copy of it?
You can use tools like DreamSet or EnigmaEdit, or plugins like SVDownloader to update settings keeping your categories.

When trying to play a particular .avi file from the computer I got the error “JPEG decoder not available” or somethin like that. Is there a particular package which will solve this?
This is driver issue. Need to wait for new driver

ORF plugin – picture shows up but when selected, get error message “no server was selected”. How do I fix that? (Zdf Mediathek gives 4 options to choose from – choosing 1 of the mov selections works)
I do not know this plugin, sorry

No doubt I will think of more , but that will do for now.

Thanks in advance,
Hi all,

I installed the blackhole mediaserver 1.4.4 , and got the djclient playin from the computer within 2 evenings (Woohoo!). No more crappy VLC plugin for me. So now I would like to stay with this image for a while. In order to set it up just as I like, I just have a few questions which I'm sure you experts will be able to answer straight away.

They may also help other newcomers to this image.
No doubt I will think of more , but that will do for now.

Thanks in advance,

Green>Yellow>>Addons Download Manager>>>BH E2 Image Skins.
No need , when ever U start U"r box (later on) ,,,E2 restart will update the image with the package U installed,,,however be careful not all plugin there, are compatible with BH image and coding!
All skins by the MASTERS OF SKINS are beautifully made,,,,try all and pick what U like!
Q5R5 & Q6R6
Blue>red>>red,,,,make the settings that suite U.
then agian
Blue>red>>green,,,,,make the refresh time that suite U.
Yes, by using Software Management,,,search the Forum,,,is here..how to save settings...;)!
Tested this plugin and was given the same message!

Other Q''s have no clues,,,
Thanks to all for your responses. I'm nearly there now. Just a few follow-up questions and a few new ones I came across...

In my network folder in my file frowser on the computer, the VU+ is shown under “SFTP file transfer”. If I try to access this I am prompted for a name and password. I have tried various name/pw without being able to access the folder tree. Does anyone know the name/pw to access this, or is there a way I can change this default access type to something not requiring a password?

In the channel list and EPG, how can I move the programme details from the side to under the list. If it's inbuilt into the skin, do you know a skin I can use which places the programme info under the window?

Playing Movies:
Pause film – can I just freeze the picture instead of film blacking out and going back to the media player menu?

Slow motion speeds are set. How do I access slow motion?

Behaviour of pause button when paused is set to Singlestep. How do I use it (especially as I cant access freeze-frame)?

Any zoom function at all in vidoes?

Can I download any particular plugin to play .wmv files?

DVD Player function: is this to play certain DVD-ready files or , can it be used, for example, to access the DVD player on my computer?

Follow ups:
Quote: You must not use skins for CVS from package management in BH images
What is this CVS of which you speak? Why are they available if I can't use them?

When trying to play a particular .avi file from the computer I got the error “JPEG decoder not available” or somethin like that. Is there a particular package which will solve this? -
This is driver issue. Need to wait for new driver
Another error encountered. AMR (adaptive multirate) decoder reqiuired. Is a plugin available, maybe a gstreamer one in package management?

Back up image - Green and Yellow Buttons goes to BH server / Addond Download manager / BH Image Script – download whichever you want – then go to script panel (Green+Blue buttons), click on BackUpIMG_***. Didnt work. Not enough memory it seems.
How can I set up where to save the image to?
How large is a saved image?

Does blackhole do software updates between versions? If so, how do I update software? - No. You should configure a backup (Menu Config SoftwareManagement AdvancedOptions ChooseBackupFiles).When you re-flash it reloads your files automatically.
Should I save the settings backup files in harddisk or flash for this to work, or does it matter?

How can I set it up that EPGs are refreshed automatically on startup?
blue+red buttons – select provider – go to provider settings – select time etc
But which is the best provider for 19.2east FTA. Its not obvious.

They may also help other newcomers to this image.

Playing Movies:
Q: Pause film – can I just freeze the picture instead of film blacking out and going back to the media player menu?
A: Yes when going through the filelist button rather than via media Player in the menu. Yellow button to Pause

Slow motion speeds are set. How do I access slow motion?
After yellow to pause, then green or red to toggle speeds.

Behaviour of pause button when paused is set to Singlestep. How do I use it ? - No answer

Any zoom function at all in vidoes? - No answer – doesnt look like it

Is there a way to quickly get a list of available skins to download. The only way I see now is to search through Package Management.
Green and Yellow Buttons = BH server – Addons Downloads manager / Black hole skins – see list of skins without screenshot

How can I edit skins with settings like transparency?
Set up/ System / AV settings - reduce OSD visibility or Manually edit skin.xml file on /share/enigma2

In the channel list and EPG, how can I move the programme details from the side to under the list? If it's inbuilt into the skin, do you know a skin I can use which places the programme info under the window?
Not that I know of. I have tried nearly all skins . Looking at the skin.xml, they set the extended description to the right, taking up 1/3 of the Graphical EPG screen.

Is it correct to say that EPGs are normally only refreshed when zapping into a channel on a particular transponder?
Yes and no. It is refreshed for the whole transponder when you zap into a channel in it.
However you can also use EPG Setup (Blue -> Red) to have a better coverage.

How can I refresh the EPG for 19.2E?
blue+red buttons – select provider – go to provider settings – select time etc –
The only file in here which contains “Germany” is SkyDE. After using this the EPG for 19.2 was not refreshed so I used the plugin “EPG Updater instead”. This worked by hitting “refresh now”.

In my network folder in my file browser on the computer, the VU+ is shown under “SFTP file transfer”. If I try to access this I am prompted for a name and password. I have tried various name/pw without being able to access the folder tree. Does anyone know the name/pw to access this, or is there a way I can change this default access type to something not requiring a password?
See here (in German):http://www.vuplus-support.org/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=6983&sid=94eed01bb0e84846ef51142269c792d2
Looks like you have to set a password via telnet first

How do I download Picons?
Green and Yellow Buttons = BH server – Addons Downloads manager / Enigma 2 Picons Packages – download the one you want

Djclient: Can that only see .avi or a limited number of files on the mediatomb server?
Or is that due to the mediatomb setup on the computer? I installed various gst and gstreamer packages until I got bored. Still no luck
Posted Answer: Client (djmount) sees what server (mediatomb, Twonky, etc) shows
Mine: I edited the filetype in the mediatomb server UI and copied the class and mime type from an avi file into an mpg file and it was then recognised and played. I assume therefore that media player only shows files it recognises and I have to edit file types in the Mediatomb server.

Is there an option to save bouquets easily for overwriting in new images (or if I want to revert to a previous bouquet), or do I have to look for the correct file and save a copy of it? -
In Setup /Software management / Advanced Options / choose backup files , save the 4 or 5 files starting with “userbouquet” in /etc/enigma2. I tried this but the selected files didnt save. Instead I just copy them out with Filezilla FTP client.

Back up image - Green and Yellow Buttons goes to BH server / Addond Download manager / BH Image Script – download whichever you want – then go to script panel (Green+Blue buttons), click on BackUpIMG_***.
Q:Where does it save the image to? -
A:Get message:
NFI image created on /media/hdd/backup/20110218_184014/backup-image-vuplus-20110218_180414.nfi” and
USB image created on /media/hdd/backup/20110218_184014/vuplus/duo Tree
Just copy the tree beginning from media/hdd/backup/20110218_184014 to the root of your Usb-stick”
Follow the path above to find the NFI file mentioned. Apart from that, within the folder vuplus/duo were 3 files needed for flashing the box. This folder can be transferred to a usb stick for reflashing.
How large is a saved image?
The 3 usb files come to about 58 to 60 MB. The nfi file came to 95MB

Does blackhole do software updates between versions? If so, how do I update software? - No. You should configure a backup (Menu Setup SoftwareManagement AdvancedOptions ChooseBackupFiles).When you re-flash it reloads your files automatically.

In package management after installing something and choosing not to restart yet, I go back to the start of the list. Any plans to put a memory in there to go back to the last package after installing?

DVD Player function: is this to play certain DVD-ready files or , can it be used, for example, to access the DVD player on my computer? - No answer yet

DVD Player function: is this to play certain DVD-ready files or , can it be used, for example, to access the DVD player on my computer? - No answer yet

You can use to play and access the DVD player on your computer .
You can use cifs mount DVD drive.
Enable share for your DVD on your PC
Mount CIFS with NetworkBrowser on your VUduo.