Request Antenna setting for Images


Vu+ Newbie
I have been here for many years and after entering the New Black Hole images I can't get my antenna set for the correct values!!
I use the VU+DUO on an motor antenna. I have one LNB. Searching for Astra and Hot Bird I find them - I save them and I have used USAL and Desqview. I have entered the two into Sat 1 and 2. I have used automatic setup etc.
I think I have tried all the last two weeks. When I enter the search for two sometimes I just get 6 channels for Hotbird and none for Astra. Looking for the channellist they are all there but no mowing of the dish.
I know the setup has to have some incorret setting but I can figure out.
Anyone that have a setup that works for the Black Hole and motorized antenna??

I would be very happy if someone send me a PM so we can settle it out. My wife can't see the Polish channels she used to look at before the of January.
Thanks in Advance
Is your setup a "true Diseq" or do you have a separate box which moves the dish? If you are only getting one or two channels I wonder whether it is a Diseq setting which is not changing the polarity. Check the frequencies which you ARE getting - if they are all H or all V then your lnb is not changing polarity. Under Black Hole general, I placed a posting called VU Settings with 38V Dish... (I can't add the link here) which tells you how to set up your system in case you have a separate actuator with a single LNB. It might help you.
When you finally get it working WRITE DOWN YOUR SETTINGS and keep them in a safe place for next time. I would have been lost without the list of my old Dreambox settings. I think that the old Dreambox instructions used to tell you exactly what each setting was for but the VU-Instructions are a tad skimpy in this regard.