Got mine today (105 € all included also from germany) : works perfectly; 5 minutes to mount it and make new setup for 2nd tuner.
Makes a good bargain for those who have already a receiver.
I use 3 sats (HB 13E; Astra 19.2, AB3 5W). The signal quality was about 2% better with new tuner on 6 test channels (2 on each sat : 1 HD, 1 SD).
The picture quality is about the same than with single tuner, which was already pretty good.
If you have a particular channel you wish I test on one of the 3 sats I can receive, just tell me, and I will give you the result.
Nota:- my dish, LNBs and cables are of very good quality; the dish has been pointed by a professional, and I have never experienced any trouble to receive any channel.
- I do not scan with the vuplus, but I use dreamset with latest internet frequencies.
Astra 23,5 Single TunerB TunerA
Markiza HD 12109 76/78 76/46 76/46
Nova HD 11797 76/79 76/46 77/49
TV JOJ 11836 71/79 71/46 72/49
Prima LOVE 12070 72/78 72/46 72/46 /c46_84/p591/VU -UNO-/-ULTIMO-DVB-S/S2-Plug-and-Play-Twin-Tuner-Module/product_info.html
Thanks for your helpful comment. I will fit one of these twin tuners.It will work as long as you watch same sat, same polarisation and same band (high or low).
If all was ok with kathy 922, you will have the same with the uno.