assing collor buttons in PVR menu?


Vu+ Newbie
i used to run PLI image but now i switched over the the much better blackhole image. i wish i had made earlier this choice. 1 thing is my family missing which is available in the pli:
in the PVR menu i could assign mounts to the color buttons. is this possible 2 in the blackhole image?
i would prefer:
RED: delete recorded movie
GREEN: home (/hdd/movie)
YELLOW: NAS (/mnt/nas)
BLUE: choose the sorting (date, name etc)

Is it possible on a easy way 2 change a file and this will work?

Thankx for the great image and hopefully for a solution for my " problem"


BlackHole Driver Specialist
Topic can be closed or deleted. Im back 2 pli.

You are free to do what you want, but after a day you have opened the thread is quite silly and funny to read you come back to your previous image.
So, you can use the Multiquickbutton plugin from BH addon server to remap your buttons BUT I don't suggest to do it to avoid compatibility problems with BH features.