Audio over spdif is discontinuous


Vu+ Newbie
I got problem with audio on my Black Hole image 3.0.4 which is running on vu+ duo2. I am using SPDIF.
If I watch any channel audio is discontinuous. Once I switch option PCM Multichannel on or off it will start working however I am than not able to put volume up or down - I see the bar going up or down but there is no difference in the audio volume.

Hope somebody got idea how to fix this.

Thx & Regards
Usually when you are dealing with digital audio in a sat box you cannot change volume. The digital stream goes from the satellite directly to spdif and you have to change volume on the amplifier that receives the spdif audio.

To be able to change volume in the sat box it has to decode the digital audio to analog, adjust the volume, and then convert back to digital again. That is only possible with advanced and expensive boxes.
I suppose that Duo2 is advanced enough to handle that but has problem handling the digital-analog-digital conversion that leaves bit errors in the spdif data stream. When you switch PCM off and on it seems to stop the converting and sends the raw unhandled data stream directly to your amplifier. That should not happen and indicate that something is wrong in the image firmware.

I would make a full backup and a settings backup and try another image, maybe a newer or older version of black hole or a new copy of the image version you already have installed.