Basic question : How to install a smartcard ...


Vu+ Newbie

I'm a non-sophisticated user of Sat boxes. I practically just use it for watching TV Vlaanderen via Astra en films from a HD.

I had a DM8000, replaced it with a Mutant HD2400 and now decided to upgrade it to a Vu+ Duo4K SE. I've always used OpenPLI, but decided to use Black Hole for the VU+ to try something new.

I downloaded the latest Black Hole image and installed it. Everything seems to be working fine, but I'm not able to descramble TV Vlaanderen feeds.

I'm really a noob to Black Hole and have difficulty to diagnose the issue. The smartcard is inserted in the Smartcard-Reader, but I can't find any setting where I can determine the status of my smartcard.

Do I need to install something to activate the smartcard-reader (e.g. ccam)? How can I determine if this would be a hardware-issue or a software-issue?

All advise is welcome.
First of all, what you ask is against this forum rules: please read them.

The fact is, what you want to do officially needs a C.I. module and not only a smartcard.

Second: you went from an open image like OpenPLI to a vuplus-based one, that's BH. Maybe you want OBH (OpenBlackHole) a try because it's another of the open projects and much similar, as its philosophy is concerned, to OpenPLI; only much nicer than that ;)