Best way to sync hdd/movie to a backup drive?


Vu+ Newbie
I've just had my second Seagate Barracuda die in a couple of years, losing all my recordings (again). I saw a couple of errors then it refused to mount. I've tried every disk utility I can to recover content, but it looks like everything is gone. I'm going to give up on Seagate

I've ordered a WD Purple 4TB drive as this appears to have better reliability for constant use with video systems and when operating under higher temperatures. I plan to install it as the internal SATA drive and until it arrives, I'm using a 4TB USB external drive.

Just in case the new SATA dies, I'm thinking of using the internal SATA as my primary recording location but backing all the content up to the external USB drive.

I'd like the backup drive to stay in sync with the internal drive, so all recordings I add or delete (or which get moved around by utilities like the series manager) get reflected on the backup drive.

Can anyone give me guidance on the best way to do this? I suspect I'll need to write a linux script/use a linux utility of some kind as the OBH backups appear to be limited to settings, but would appreciate the wisdom of this community to recommend an approach I should take
I’m thinking maybe using rsync in a cron job. I’d be keen for any views one way or the other

It doesn’t need to be real time, running once or twice a day would be enough
You can always copy anything you wish to keep, either onto an external drive, or on your PC.
To make a copy, go into the recordings list, on your receiver, navigate to what you want to copy, press menu, and select the copy option, you can also move a recording, and do various other things, but I would't recommend the editing option, do that on your PC.
To make a full copy, of your Movie folder, on your PC, use filezilla, connect, to your receiver, navigate to media, hdd, and then copy the entire folder, or open movie, and copy what you want to keep.
You can also add movies, from your PC, to the movie folder, on you receiver, by copying them into the movie folder, or by transferring them to a USB, then attaching that, to your receiver, and using the move option, from your USB stick to media/hdd/movie.
I think I should have been clearer with my question. I know I can copy stuff manually, I’m asking about the best way to keep all the recordings synced to an external drive
I understood your question, but I have never tried an automatic backup option, you'll need to experiment with that yourself, or post on a Linux/Enigma 2 forum.