BH official Swedish Translation

Hi. I'm currently translating and changing the Swedish .po file right now. My plan is to have files ready for upload in middle of next week.
Hi, i'm ready with the translation now. Files uploaded for testing. A lot adjusted and rewritten. I consider this as final version. Tested on both MX X1 skin and default skin in 2.02.



Sorry, for the moment no new .po files available.

But someone in the French tranlation gave you this recently..? Where did that came from?

niglou said:
@ Tamaki,

Here is latest French translation updated with new strings from BH 2.0.4, and also some text lenght adapted to fit the new default skin.
You can give to coder.

Please ask the coder to give a look to the patch I gave on the post above : it is mandatory to have all the skins from Matrix10 (except the last one) translated.​
Give to coder.
But someone in the French tranlation gave you this recently..? Where did that came from?

niglou said:
@ Tamaki,​
Here is latest French translation updated with new strings from BH 2.0.4, and also some text lenght adapted to fit the new default skin.​
You can give to coder.​
Please ask the coder to give a look to the patch I gave on the post above : it is mandatory to have all the skins from Matrix10 (except the last one) translated.​
Give to coder.

niglou did an hard work to find all non translatable strings. I did quite the same think for cs.po and sk.po.
niglou did an hard work to find all non translatable strings. I did quite the same think for cs.po and sk.po.

Aha, will those strings be available also for sv in a new .po file later? I mean it should be the same base .po file? If not, those strings should be able to be put into ths sv.po, right?