BH problem playing files ,Freezeng screen each 5-7 min.


Vu+ Newbie
It seems that there is a problem playing files from HDD each 5-7 min. screen freezes with sound before driver update was lots of pixels and cutting sound , to stop this you have to pres rew. button or fast forward button ad pres play again ,and it will start again in5-7min. i have asked other users of BH and it seems I'm not alone in this.
It seems that there is a problem playing files from HDD each 5-7 min. screen freezes with sound before driver update was lots of pixels and cutting sound , to stop this you have to pres rew. button or fast forward button ad pres play again ,and it will start again in5-7min. i have asked other users of BH and it seems I'm not alone in this.

What kind of multiedia files are you playing?

I've tested some MKV, AVI and DivXes located on a CIFS share and works very good with original 5.x images and BH 1.3.9.
Normal ones that are recorded on hdd by the system while you press rec. button but it's not happening with all VU+ duo some are ok some not i'm that unlucky one.

Format of usb sticks under " Device Manager" appears to be not working.

Only manual formating using the following commands :

umount /media/sdb1
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1

solves the problem.

Best regards

Format of usb sticks under " Device Manager" appears to be not working.

Only manual formating using the following commands :

umount /media/sdb1
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1

solves the problem.

Best regards

Thanks for info,

but I have test this

I have formatted four USB sticks without any problems.
I just had a problem with the fifth USB stick which could not be mounted
Which means that this one is not good for use with VU.
Thanks for info,

but I have test this

I have formatted four USB sticks without any problems.
I just had a problem with the fifth USB stick which could not be mounted
Which means that this one is not good for use with VU.
Not so sure.
I bougth a USB Stick just for MB, but it was not properly formatted by STB.
It seemed it created a misformed EXT3 partition which is not recognized even by Ubuntu.
Then I formatted it with gparted (Ubuntu system), and now it is properly recognized by the STB too. Mounted by Device Manager and working with MeoBoot fery fast.
It seems there is a sort of bug during formatting only on some USB Sticks. The rest is working just fine.
I'm not speaking about flash drive I'm speaking about INTERNAL HDD ,I'm not even trying with flash drive because there is connection for internal HDD witch I'm using
,milley i know it have been reported by many users but not all speak English ,i was told that problem is on BH and is not happening on vix or vti and it's happenig as well when i use streaming on my pc and trying to watch whatever is recorded and since i have nearly new (2 weeks old )vu+duo i was told by others that this did not occurs in BH with OE 1.5
I'm not speaking about flash drive I'm speaking about INTERNAL HDD ,I'm not even trying with flash drive because there is connection for internal HDD witch I'm using
,milley i know it have been reported by many users but not all speak English ,i was told that problem is on BH and is not happening on vix or vti and it's happenig as well when i use streaming on my pc and trying to watch whatever is recorded and since i have nearly new (2 weeks old )vu+duo i was told by others that this did not occurs in BH with OE 1.5

So, if I well understood, you have not problem when you play a recording and you use your tv to watch it, but when you try to watch it in streaming.
You didn't explain it in your first post.

Probably your problem is due to your LAN and not to BH.
SAme problem happend to me, when playing an .mkv file located on internal hdd(/dev/sda1)! NOT trying to watch in streaming, but watching it on tv! If i fast-forward it, it will play on...but still,it's annoying!
Again problem is when i watch on TV as well when i use streaming , ON TV IS THE PROBLEM , streaming is by the way and is my observation that may help solve the problem.
I have this problem with recorded programs. After 7-8 minutes it will freeze if I stop playback then restart from were I stopped it will play correctly.