Black Hole 3.0.2.D Kodi Vu+ Duo2

Hello you all,

i think we should really re consider buying a duo2 to make Kodi
running fine !

I think we can loose the idea that one day it will run correctly on enigma2
platform , too many bugs .

Just the same thing as th story with missing second icon in openwebif,
thing that it is really strange ! when you know tha the cpu of the duo2
and grphic part especially are far better than on the solo2 , we can imagine
why Vu+ doesn't wan't to fix that !

Because you can transcode with a very good image quality , of course that open doors
for people that want to use that functionnality for bad purpose, and it thing honnestly
that VU+ manufacter has had some warning from anti piracy consortium not to fix that
bug just in order that these receiver can't be used for wrong usage.

Think of it , because it is a political problem , not a problem coming from coders, because so easy
too fix for them.

But , if that's the thruth , it is a shame to have shown us the ability to transcode for at the end
, being there with a receiver that you can't use for that purpose, everybody , i hope , do not use
that functionnality for making money , there are a lot of people who would like to use their receiver when they
are not at home , why would we have bought this receiver otherwise ?

Well we are , expecting that thing will be fixed one day , i doubt really.


i cant' run kodi on my VU+ DUO 2 with 3.0.2,

when strating KODI, the screen is fixing in kodi image and i must restart my VU+

please help

i cant' run kodi on my VU+ DUO 2 with 3.0.2,

when strating KODI, the screen is fixing in kodi image and i must restart my VU+

please help

Very strange, but:

  1. Verify if you have no updates to release.
  2. If you have not found any updates:
  • Apply to the FTP tool you use to show hidden files
  • Navigate with FTP to /media/hdd folder
  • Delete the folder /.kodi in /media/hdd location
  • Reboot your STB.
  • After rebooting your STB, go to plugins, and apply KODI LAUNCHER

If this don't bring your Kodi back to life, make a full reflash, but previously make a backup of your settings, by using the BlacKHole Backup tool.

best regards