Black Hole 3.0.2.F Vu+ Duo

Hi , did someone else has problem with transcoding ?
i have 2 tuners (dvb s2) on duo2 (with selfsat h30d twin) when i activate transcoding in local , the tuner get on but , i can only get some programs , not all , when i desactivate the duo 2 i can have all porgrams , to resume , i can only have all programs with only one stuff :'(
did the root can be the cause ?
Hi , did someone else has problem with transcoding ?
i have 2 tuners (dvb s2) on duo2 (with selfsat h30d twin) when i activate transcoding in local , the tuner get on but , i can only get some programs , not all , when i desactivate the duo 2 i can have all porgrams , to resume , i can only have all programs with only one stuff :'(
did the root can be the cause ?

i finally fixed that with os cam ^^
Thank you very much
I have only one question:
Wich are user and password to access to webinterface via http,:\\??
Hello I Have VuDuo+ and it works with bh 1.73 and i want to upgrade to 3.0.2 And Its Like Starting and it wont load any help
Hello I Have Vu Duo+ and it works with VTI and i want to upgrade to 2.1.1.

2.1.1? Is an very outdated image and "no more" supported.

To be supported install instead BlackHole 3.0.2F or OpenBH 06, of course, regarding the "original Vuplus STB", you own.

best regards