Black Hole 3.0.3.H Vu+ Duo

install this image but reciever keep hanging especialy on HD channel
and doesnt respond to Remote control with black screen on TV
go back to old version of Black Hole image and same thing happen
install different image not Blake Hole and reciever is working fine
what could be wrong in this image
You try setup swap ?

Good way is used OBH he is smoller.
Or install image in flash but all other image on multiboot in thsi way is no problem with smoll flash
thanks for answeres
but I dont use any extra plugin
moreover the reciever was working fine till 2 days back with latest blak hole image
could it be hardware broblem
That's because there's no such VU+ model, as the Mini VU+ Duo.
It sounds like a clone.
Please contact your supplier and insist you want a genuine VU+ model, a list of which you can find here: