Black Hole 3.0.7 Vu+ Solo2

The menus of your image, of course: do you want to get an info about your software from our forum?!?
Among the MENUs, there is also the INFO submenu.

Pardon, I do not understand what you mean.
The image is on a USB stick.
The Uv* Solo2 has nothing on it that starts the GUI, i.e. the old 3.0.2 is still on it, despite a new installation.

I plug the USB-stick with the newest 3.0.7 Uv+ Solo2 "solo" directory in the front panel USB input and wait for it to see the USB stick and press Power. The image is installed and reboots., but boots to the previous image that does not load the GUI. There are no menus yet.

It does not seem to install into the firmware memory, because the new firmware does not seem to start. The old firmware boots (it seems) and cannot load the GUI. I assume there is a problem at boot time, because it is mentioned in the description of the new firmware that the firmware does not have to be in the firmware memory. Just a hunch ...

I can not get the new firmware to boot and load the GUI.
Hang on ... all alarms down.

Now, after the fourth attempt, the new boot screen appears.

Now it starts. Phew. Can't explain that.
Ahhhh!!!! OK, now I understand ;)
As you wrote: "Because I prefer the BH image, I flashed the BlackHole....." I understoood the flashing process had been done and completed.
Instead, you meant "I tried to install....but the flashing did not start". Now it's clear. Anyway, in any image you have a menu where you can read the version installed.
hi, just reporting,
im on 3.0.7

now is out 3.0.8 version and im not able to update it online from freshly installed 3.0.7 version few weeks ago..
why every few weeks, if i want new version i need to refresh from scratch?

reading reports from users on 3.0.8 this version is not good..
on version 3.0.7 that have now, my usb dvb-t key was not working, after i installed drivers i can see some channels but is not good, and there is no name o usb tuner shown in tuner menu.

kodi is still odl version...

and one more question, if i want to use this box for listening FLAC audio files, is there some plugin, that i can use ?
the original mediaplayer is playing FLAC files, but i don't like, that i have fixed image on screen showing my playlist and i don't want that. burn in effect can happen..
From 307 to 308 you are doing an UPGRADE, not a simple update: they are two completely different things. And upgrad is a change in the O.S.
Even if I'm no longer a BH user because I now prefer OBH, it's not true that 308 has issues. 308 implements (finally, as OBH has got it since its 0.6 version) the ServiceApp plugin that is very useful to wide the range of media files playable.
The only "issues", which are not realy issues but a choice to make the image lighter, I suppose, is not to include many many drivers as built-in, particularly the ones to manage USB DVB-T adapters. But you can install manually, in you need some of them.