Black Hole 3.0.8 Vu+ Duo2

As you wish but it was not to use it but only to test it in mine and see if it actually went and compare with the one just installed that crashed. It was to be spent in private, it does nothing I solved that way but I repeat, it was just to understand what happens and that's all because I'm sure that this problem will recur in future bh, at least in mine. bye

Inviato dal mio SM-N910F utilizzando Tapatalk
On Line update all in crash, lcd for linux not exist, call another update and not exist online updater

Inviato dal mio SM-N910F utilizzando Tapatalk
The only way is to use the file from a previous BH version that had the VOD skip broken.

But I will speak with other BH coders, and see if it might be possible to add an option to Select VOD skip buttons so you can choose if you want to use them or not.

Did this ever get done as I would like to be able to watch a 4097 stream and not lose the ability to change channels with the numbers which isn't possible with vod skip enabled. I could change my stream type to dvb but I prefer 4097 as my zap change is much quicker.
Can anybody help me with how to get my EPG on my IP channel list, I'm getting EPG on all sat channels but not IP even though EPG is downloaded
from xmltv files.