one question,
''To use it with IPTV, you can either leave the ServiceApp settings as default and in your IPTV lists, just change the #SERVICE 1:0:1: or #SERVICE 4097:01: to #SERVICE 5002:0:1: '',
do i need to change this on all channels ? to use #SERVICE 5002:0:1: '' ? , my iptv list is big.
will this show EPG on this iptv channels?
Usally you dont have to change anything but set serviceApp to ExtPlayer (5002) it will only use ExtPlayer if nessesry else it will use Gstreamer (Default, DVB1)
Most IPTV works just fine with default DVB1 settings just a few providers use 5002
Also most VOD will play just perfect with Default (4097/DVB1)
Now days there are a lot of plugins to use for creating Bouquets (Favorite Channel lists)
Some have the option to choose what player you want to use and others just create default.
Suls AutoBouquetMaker is popular but a little bit tricky to get the hang of but when you
understand it, its pretty straigh forward.
The most popular is JediMakerXtream its easy to use and have lots of options to choose among.
Like what player you want to use. You can also choose what bouquets you want to create
so if you only want ex, UK and US Channels you can choose only them and leave all the rest out.
Final you have the Enigma2 script some provider gives you they are usally very messy
Create bouquets from the whole playlist.
But my personal experince is that IPTV is okey but Sat is by far better
And BH/OBH is Amazing
Then its the constant battle what image is best for IPTV.
People thend to say that OBH is better then BH and in some way thats true.
But this is also my personal experince, I think BH is best.
Why? Because BH is more strict that all must be right on the provider side
so with BH you fast can filter out the bad from the good

Picture quality... well its the eye of the beholder i see no diffrence
and IPTV usally have lower quality then Sat TV so can make any comparing there.
So my choice is BH Image and serviceApp set to ExtPlayer (5002)
Do some testing and see for your self, you might get another opinion then me