BlackHole Driver Specialist
please with witch CCam this image can work
i have vu+ uno with ***** 2.3.0
thanks for your answer
No emu support here. Read our Board rules.
please with witch CCam this image can work
i have vu+ uno with ***** 2.3.0
thanks for your answer
Dude you have bricked my box i install this with the usb it work after i will shutdown i press the black hole shutdown and it says your box is shutdown then i cant start any morr its just red ligt on the front box
to begin with, you were the one that reflashed the boxDude you have bricked my box i install this with the usb it work after i will shutdown i press the black hole shutdown and it says your box is shutdown then i cant start any morr its just red ligt on the front box
dude, do you see anyone else in this thread type in italian?Scusate ma questa immagine può essere installata su clarke tech et9000? se no qual'è l'ultima versione funzionante?
Scusate ma questa immagine può essere installata su clarke tech et9000? se no qual'è l'ultima versione funzionante?
look hereanyone know why the screen shots on first page show the box booting with yellow screen where vu+ is mine still starts up in the blue colour can you change that