do it slowly as a911 wrote it already.
Use your PC to format USB.
Check USB is clean (no folder exists)
Unpack files onto USB connected to your PC.
Check your usb if you've got vuplus folder there
Remove USB from PC
Connect USB stick into your duo (front usb socket)
then switch your duo off and on (well, give it a chance waiting about 20-30 sec)
follow instruction on the screen
if it doesn't work - use different usb stick
Are you trying this?
Thanks yes thats what I have done, i even tried disconnecting the HDD and removing the HDMI and internet before trying to instal, That seems to go OK ,I get the remove USB and reboot message but on reboot thats when it hangs. I will try getting a new USB and use that tomorrow, its possible its ok with 1.7.5 but not with later versions. Ill let you know if it works, thanks for the help