Black Hole Vu+ Duo2 Fast IPTV

Ok guys I'm back in business with 2.1.4 but DVB stream from Blue panel is removed so I can stream TV on my local home network, can anyone assist me to find that plugin as seen in attached picture
2015-05-26 00.05.12.jpg
Does this version solves the transcoding problem, when you choose 25fps as framerate it always goes to 60fps, which is a lot more harder for a mobile devices to play?
This image is awesome it makes my vuplus Dou2 restart after few minutes and I can't do DVB stream over home network. Thank you for this update.

First of all thank you for this image. I hope you can help me: I'm looking for a plugin for IPTV what is something similar like Amiko WebTV function.

Thank you for your help.
Hello ppl... help me please

If I'm launching Youtube plugin cant see the video. Sound is OK, but no picture. Menue items are displayed correctly. The same continues if I'm exiting Youtube. OSD and sound OK, but no picture at all (on regular channels). After full restart I can watch TV again.

the problem occurred yesterday, with BH 2.1.5. Today just flashed my Duo2 with 2.1.6, but problem is still here - no change

My motor stopped working after installing this version of BH. I've all the settings correct, I'm sure of that, but I wanted to do a Hard Reset so I could install the BH version again. The Hard Reset does not work, it just reboots to the BH version any idea what's wrong.
