Black Hole Vu+ Ultimo 1.7.5 "Multiple"

Wonderful image, thank you team!
I am trying to have a skin showing channel numbers in version 1.7.5 and so far not winning. Which skin supports channel numbers. I am in Australia and have downloaded all the Eclipse HD channels.

Thank you once more
All EclipseHD skins support channel numbers in light/small OSD.
Provided that you have a channel list and Favorites in channel list.

Enable light/small OSD
Blue>>Blue>>Osd Settings>>red>>Disable Light Skin on Zap ... no >>Red save
Thanks for replying. I am getting lost. Is it fair if I ask how I can make the channel list and favourites in channel list. I see I have three place holders for channel numbers in the skin but no actual channels.
I think I am getting somewhere. Opened DreamboxEdit and after setting my box IP address in it, I hit "Retrieve files from dreambox". After I got all the channels on screen, I highlighted them all and hit "Number all channels". I then also copied them all to Favourites bouquet. After many failed attempts sending files to dreambox by hitting "reload settings on dreambox", I finally hit "Send files to Dreambox" and yes all channels were now available in the favourites bouquet and with channel numbers!

I can press a channel number and it will change channels but still no joy in having the three --- change to channel numbers. I have been in the blue panel a couple of times under OSD and also under EPG.

Thanks a lot, it is a learning curve
to repeat
Channel numbers you have only if you have a channel in Favourietes.
Favourietes you can make with Dreamboxedit
or use ready-made SAT list.

Load SAT list from the net with dreamboxedit
and you will see.