c-tuner is working okdoes anyone have the cable tuner function tested?
on my Ultimo of the cable tuner does not work with this images.
Best regards
c-tuner is working okdoes anyone have the cable tuner function tested?
on my Ultimo of the cable tuner does not work with this images.
I like the blackhole 2.14 image but i wonder why the display on my VU Ultimo displays so little info?
This is a big minus of the BH images.
Why can't it look more like e.g. OpenPli or Openvix which give info about what program is on now and some other info aswell.
BH only gives the name of the station & that's it!
Too simple & no good in my opinion.
Hope this can be updated sometime?
You should read CAREFULLY the post about XBMC beta2 image. In that post it's CLEARLY specified for what boxes the image is. Ultimo is not in that list.plis softwer black hol vuplus ultimo xbmc beta2
Hello when Ultimo2 ? please
DON'T SPAM.I am looking for BH2.14 ULTIMO Backup