Black Hole Vu+ Uno 2.1.4

This is a great image, thank you BH Team for the hard work.
I do always have a problem with BH images that, the time/clock is changing with TPs, is there a working solution to set the clock from the net, so that it will be always correct?
Great work, you guys are a great team. :notworthy:
Image is Stable and has a beautiful skin.

Finally Thanks To VU+ and Master MX10 a FullHD Skin and most important "FONTS"
to scale when playing HD Movies.

If you can make MediaPlayer (.srt) subtitles change size/font very easy all VU+
Receivers with BH Image will be a "All In One" solution.
good image, but i dont like fading effect info menu, because when you are switch the channel and it starts fade same time, there is a little bug info menu
please add :
1 . ntp time sync in TIME ZONE
2 . Alternative numbering mode
3 . disable background scanning

thank you for all you do
best regards