Black Hole Xbmc beta 01

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I've tried play a MKV from my Synology (in signature) via XBMC and works regularly.
First of all I setted up my network share (NFS) into Enigma2 GUI and next I've added the path into XBMC.

My neigboorh use a Lacie Cloud through DLNA UPnP and it works... but the player is the BH image player not XBMC ones ... is this right?

XBMC not Working for me , The Vuplus SOLO2 Stoped when I clic on XBMC Launcher !!
note I not used the Hard Disc , I should install HArd disc for can XBMC Work ?
I have Prismcube and xbmc work without Hard disc
XBMC not Working for me , The Vuplus SOLO2 Stoped when I clic on XBMC Launcher !!
note I not used the Hard Disc , I should install HArd disc for can XBMC Work ?
I have Prismcube and xbmc work without Hard disc

Into Solo2 an HDD (or something mounted as /media/hdd) is required.
I mounted my USB 8Go to /media/hdd but xbmc still not working on my Solo2 !!

Vu+ Solo2
Prismcube Ruby Blackhole 2.1.4
Dreambox DM600
dreambox DM800HD
I XBMC works well, but in this version of BH I can not record one channel and watch another, so discard install this version, you can make a ipk to install in bh 2.1.0? be possible?
Hello , great job

My Zyxel NSA310 DLNA play videos and music fine , but when i use SMB proto it's not working.
When i use XMBC to play any files, always run internal BH player , it is posible to change default player, the original one from xbmc ??
sorry for my english
Hello , great job

My Zyxel NSA310 DLNA play videos and music fine , but when i use SMB proto it's not working.
When i use XMBC to play any files, always run internal BH player , it is posible to change default player, the original one from xbmc ??
sorry for my english
I am interested also in this
Xbmc not working in my solo2. I use usb storage 8go on /media/hdd. Why ? Should I use HDD ?

Vu+ Solo2
Prismcube Ruby Blackhole 2.1.4
Dreambox DM600
dreambox DM800HD
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