BlackHole 3.1.0 Vu+ Duo2

Sorry I misread the opening post. Any plugin? Does this include KODI?

As no one else seems to be experiencing the same problem, I'd say it must be something, on your receiver, either hardware, or software. Do you have any USB devices connected? Do you have an internal hard drive?

If it was one, or even, two, plugins than I'd be tempted to look at the plugin, to see if it's overwriting a shared file, but as it's all plugins I'm more likely to suspect some driver issue, from a USB device, or even something on your hard drive, possibly in a hidden folder, like KODI.
yes i wounder if it is the box , i tried openpli and thats works. wounder if there is asystem plugin that checks hardware
Autotimer has always had problems with BH, on the opposite of OBH: it's not native for non-open images. It was adapted, somewhat, to BH.
it have Always worked fine but there is more plugin that does the same with rebbot of enigma after installation
Why don't you try Open Black Hole, it's similar to Black Hole but has more options.
Black Hole is based on the official vuplus images, so I can't see a problem, that affects just your setup, yet as OpenPli works, without removing any attached device, it points to a software, or driver, issue.
Why don't you try Open Black Hole, it's similar to Black Hole but has more options.
Black Hole is based on the official vuplus images, so I can't see a problem, that affects just your setup, yet as OpenPli works, without removing any attached device, it points to a software, or driver, issue.
I tryid it and thats dont seems to work. When install plugin and the box does the same thing. So i think the box is broken somewhere. Its only happens when enigma reboots after i had insralled plugin
Which receiver are we discussing?
If it worked with Openpli then I can't see how the receiver is faulty, especially has it seems to work prior to installing any plugins.
Why not test it, with installing any plugins, then see if it is faulty.
Which receiver are we discussing?
If it worked with Openpli then I can't see how the receiver is faulty, especially has it seems to work prior to installing any plugins.
Why not test it, with installing any plugins, then see if it is faulty.
Duo2 and obh 4.4 works fine all plugins works, skin works. The box reboots fine. But bh 3.10 dont ans i like bh so it have to be the bh server because if i install plugin on my last image bh 3.09 its does rebbot loops så somewhere is notworking
Do you have an internal hard drive? If so try disconnecting it, it's quite simple, just remove the top cover and unplug the connections, removing it from the electric supply first.
Do you have an internal hard drive? If so try disconnecting it, it's quite simple, just remove the top cover and unplug the connections, removing it from the electric supply first.
Yes i have tried that too, so im giving up. Perhaps will test other image. Have used bh for many years like that image. Cant find the error. All day yesterday and tried all
yes . but i will change to vti , there is no problem with installing plugin and the image works fin there so i leave blackhole after all this years its not working with bh to install my plugin so good bye
yes the same here with obh 4.4, but the problem with blackhole and i Think is something with image package because i cant even change skin when l
Do you have an internal hard drive? If so try disconnecting it, it's quite simple, just remove the top cover and unplug the connections, removing it from the electric supply first.
its must be my box its hang also now when Changes skin so witch capasitator shall i change
I have no idea, you need to contact a local shop, either TV repair shop, or PC repair shop, to have them run an electronic test, on your motherboard.
Sometimes it's obvious, as the capacitor could be blown, expanded, at the top, leaking, or have signs of burn damage, but in most cases you need a circuit board test.
We had a couple of local shops, that would do this, quite cheaply, before the lockdown, but now they are sadly out of business, or close to it.
Check in your local area, ask family, and friends, or post on an electronics forum.
You are too much in a hurry to get to wrong conclusions: from what you say, I think you almost certaily heve hardware issues.
Hi @all

I have a problem with the recording function on my box.
It‘s going really crazy.
If i want to record a broadcast ( 45 min. ) I have to set it 35 min. before and 45 min. after to get the broadcast fully.
Any idea?

Thanks a lot.
hello i have a problem with this new image. i can flash the box and do settings and seek for channels , update image but when i install a plugin or skin its reboot and show a channel and reebots and so on

Hi. I have the same problem.
I didn't install this image yet but I have noticed the issue long time ago (going back to 3.0.5 image, not sure). The problem is when installing the plugins the system is going to reboot automaticaly but it's doing it over and over again. Only the solution is to manually switch OFF and ON at the back of the receiver and then the system stands up.
I am afraid that the problem could be with the flash.
Same thing with my duo2.When i install a plugin no matter which ,the duo2 don't load up,you have to switch it from the rear switch of the duo2.This issue don't happen on my vu+zero.