BlackHole Upgrade Method VU+ Ultimo

Nick Wilson

Vu+ Newbie
Hi all ...

I've taken a look around the forums looking for a step-by-step upgrade guide for BlackHole itself and I guess I am using the wrong terminology for the searches. I have found the instructions for and upgraded the firmware to v4.5 (as far as I can tell with the success message .. there doesn't appear to be a way of checking afterward).

The unit is currently running v1.7.5.

Any help or pointers to existing instructions very much appreciated.



Nick Wilson

Vu+ Newbie
Many thanks for the prompt feedback. I think the firmware (I am assuming that's the fpga) has upgraded ok. The article you kindly pointed me to was the one I followed to do that and it appeared to work.

What I'm missing is the upgrade method for BlackHole itself. Could you give me a pointer to the USB method instructions please ?

Many thanks

1. Update FPGA
(I have update FPGA directly over the Internet with Ultimo )
read this thread
2. Flash image with USB stick standard method, which is valid for all images.

Nick Wilson

Vu+ Newbie
I think I found the method on another site, though even then the terminology could be a little more precise than it is.

I'm not sure what the rules are about posting links to legitimate alternate sites with instructions relevant to the VU+ series of STBs are. If anyone needs this, please PM me and I'll add the clarifications I thought were necessary as well.

Thanks again for the initial feedback Matrix10


1.) Unzip image in a fat32 formatted stick (in a structure like this: vuplus/ultimo)
2) insert the stick in the front usb and power on the decoder
3) press the CH- button

Nick Wilson

Vu+ Newbie
Thank-you ... that was the part I was missing. For some reason, I had ended up finding a post on another site talking about the Ultimo but mentioning "Directory/vuplus/ultimo" which I was taking literally, and mentioning the down arrow button as opposed to the minus sign.

Upgrade now completed successfully. Thanks again for your help.

1.) Unzip image in a fat32 formatted stick (in a structure like this: vuplus/ultimo)
2) insert the stick in the front usb and power on the decoder
3) press the CH- button