C-band blindscan

the professor EL BANDIDO
Possible explanation Where do I put the files in detail and thank you very much

I suffer a lot request
This is an old thread from 2014. Now there is an image named OpenBlackHole that contains the C band blindscan. You may use the OBH image instead of transferring the files to the Black Hole image.

To Install:
1. Unzip and remove the bin file folder from the blindscan folder.
2. Install the install the blindscan folder using FileZilla or other ftp to:
I did not work .. thank you ...... you are a generous person I need urgent help me I hope I have eight satellites and use the device VU+ ZERO
I did not work .. thank you ...... you are a generous person I need urgent help me I hope I have 8 satellites and use the device VU+ ZERO