Can you put 10 lines in the channel list?


Vu+ Newbie
Vu + Duo4kse with Black Hole

Can you put 10 lines in the channel list? They are all so attached .. it would be nice if you could leave some space between one channel and another ..
Yes: it's possible, even for BH: I can't check at the moment the precise submenu but surely it's a customization submenu.
It's important to explore all menus and submenus in an image, otherwise you won't know the environment where you are moving in.
OMG!!! I didn't remember that. It's actually true. I launched BH from OMB and I didn't want to believe it: there's no setting for this.
I'm now so accustomed to the multiple OBH possibilities in customization that I did not remember it is not possible under BH.
I'm sorry for the inaccurate answer. Thanks @Thomas67 for having made me remember why I had to forget my first love. ;)
OBH Row height adjustment is only possible if the background is plain color and not graphics.
So in most skins totally unusable.
When it comes to graphics then it looks very bad.

I don’t believe in external skin appearance regulators.
Skin always looks best in its original.
So to have ten rows in the skin you should make a skin with ten rows and not change the skin with sixteen to have ten,
by simply reducing the number of rows and height with some external plugin/image addon.
An external plugin would only make sense if it had not only the ability to change the height and number but also to change the graphics background for that number of rows.
The problem is that most users want more channels in the list and not less.
Which is understandable if you have hundred channels in your list bouquets.
During all this time, we only had a couple of users who asked for fewer channels and many more who asked for more.
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Well, the fact is that under OBH you can decide, in a simple way, the number of channels listed and the font size to vary among the attached results, for example.


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You just confirmed what I already wrote
that it doesn't look as it should with background graphics
and texts in that place , below the graphics.
Well if you remove the selectionPixmap from the skin.xml (ChannelSelection) and instead add or use the a h-white.png in the root folder that match the skin you will get an growing and shrinking selectionPixmap sort off.
Yes it want be a real one but you get the borders with the h-white.png and the background colour in the selection can be set in the skin.

This is just and example and of cause not near as good looking as with the proper selectbars by Matrix10

regularchannelselect.jpg largechannelselect.jpg
You just confirmed what I already wrote
that it doesn't look as it should with background graphics
and texts in that place , below the graphics.
I really don't see the problem in the background graphic but, above all, what really matters, is that OBH allows me to choose as many lines I like and I have only to set the appropriate font size to adjust also the line spacing. Everything else is not important. And the fact I can do that under OBH but I can't under BH goes over any possible "graphical" problem, whom I can't see, though.
If you look close at your own screenshots you can see that the selectionPixmap does not change in size with OBH either so if you enlarge the row and fonts the selection pixmap does not fill the full row.
You like me love the EclipseFire skin so we are lucky that the selectionPixmap is glowing red on the top and black in the bottom ;) Change to anoter of MX nice skins and you will see what Matrix 10 is explaining.

But it would not be a big deal to implement this function as in OBH with BH. But BH has allways follow the VuPlus OE3.0 so as long as they don't change it there will be no changes to BH image.
Ah, ok; yes: there's a little problem when you set less than 15 rows but not so important. Anyway, as Matrix said, I have set it at not less than 20 lines or, as at the moment, 25. So, my need and, I suppose, the general need, is to show many lines, as far as the readability is not affected. And surely, the 17 rows BH has, is too few for my tastes. ;) And I like to feel free of customising at my wish.
Ah, ok; yes: there's a little problem when you set less than 15 rows but not so important. Anyway, as Matrix said, I have set it at not less than 20 lines or, as at the moment, 25. So, my need and, I suppose, the general need, is to show many lines, as far as the readability is not affected. And surely, the 17 rows BH has, is too few for my tastes. ;) And I like to feel free of customising at my wish.

So some want 10 others 25 ,the middle is 17 or 18.
That means I hit the middle.

:victory: 17
Sarebbe bello poter decidere quante righe vuoi.. come quasi tutte le altre immagini. Penso che a volte leggere quando sei lontano sia difficile. Per alcune cose BH è limitato.. mentre per altre è fantastico..