cannot retrieve rytec sources

seems like theres still a problem with the EPG?

28/03/2015 15:44:03 SIFTeam CrossEPG DB Converter 0.8.1+gitr1+0c341c38fa4697ee524c9c98baf97c15ffad6e4d (c) 2009-2014 Sandro Cavazzoni (
28/03/2015 15:44:03 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
28/03/2015 15:44:03 EPGDB opened
28/03/2015 15:44:03 Reading EPGDB...
28/03/2015 15:44:04 Completed
28/03/2015 15:44:04 EPG.DAT opened
28/03/2015 15:44:04 Writing events...
28/03/2015 15:44:04 Sorting hashes...
28/03/2015 15:44:04 Writing descriptors...
28/03/2015 15:44:04 EPG.DAT closed
28/03/2015 15:44:04 EPGDB closed

nothing happens
Last edited:
Thankyou for your help :)
i think it is working, before my last post, i forgot to update Xmltv providers, i had just tried to download the EPG from XmlTV France...
Here is the new source for EPG CSAT FRANCE :
Thanks to PearlFR who notified they changed the name of the file...
the new name of the csat fr epg file is : rytecxmltvFrance.gz
Not all of those links are working, but some are working ...
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="">
    <description>Rytec France XMLTV</description>
Hi, how to get epg on BH 2.1.4 on iptv channels. On some of them i got epg when i run the channel on info bar, but not in bouquet.
Here is the correct source code for Rytec France, with the working links at top :
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="">
    <description>Rytec France XMLTV</description>
sorted it worked after fiddling selecting correct providers got full epg now on cool guide tv
thanks for your patience with me
I get rytec updating providers erreor on Prismcube, please confirm whether the cross-rytec_update file can be installed on Prismcube? Otherwise can i have the new sources for "rytec_french_xmltv"