Caution ! Vu+ Clone

It must be very very annoying fo VU+. Lots of effort and resources have been put into getting these products to the standard we demand and is onward going. To have unscrupulous dealers encourage the Chinese/others to pirate our efforts is dispicable. The Chinese copy everything the pitts.
Its really sad that VU+ is no more taking its customer seriously now days in term of support

I am a retailer and have send several emails to vu+ but they are not responding about tuner problem in dou2 solo se v1 v2 that it dont support higher symbol rates as mentioned in specs like videocon package on st1 88 not being scanned in these models due to defective hardware i guess if it was driver issue they must had responded to our queries

You are right and I posted about the tuner problems I was having, by you being a seller do you have or can you recommend a replacement turner I have the Vu solo 4k.