In BH default is in media/usb/picon.hi, the infobar isnt showing the picons either. Does it default look at the USB or the HDD? - in the previous versions the path could be set
hi, the infobar isnt showing the picons either. Does it default look at the USB or the HDD? - in the previous versions the path could be set
Down load , the latest plugin, from the BH Image addons server : (green>yellow)!Hi
I have installed the ipk manually and it says its installed ok. However when i reboot my box its not showing in extensions or as a plugin?
I have configured this on dreamboxes no problem in the past.
I have a duo running black hole.
Any help greatly appreciated
I installed v6 of coolguide, but it has reassing color buttons,
pressing green give me the epg,
do you know to uninstall without green yellow??
btw also it has changed language from UK to Greek,
damn I have to flash again the box..
any help..
from the feed? where?wrong the newest version is 6.4
from the feed? where?
sorry, just can't find it