By default all colored bottons are off in new versions of i cannot set it up because none of the coloured buttons will make it show,neither does the down button.
and as i cannot see it in my list of plugins when i press the green button there is nothing i can do.
ive removed it and re installed it now 4 times,each install stating that it was successfull and no errors are reported,but its just not there in any of the menus to set it up.
when i go back to 6.0.3 again,it then shows in the menus as it should.
we thought the idea to make the start default ON is easier for the users
but this makes more problems to make it Off then to make it ON
so at the comming V6.0.4 the default is OFF
if you want to start Cool TV Guide then with a direct Button
then go in the Menu
press yellow
make the start on for the plugin you want
press red for save
and FULL Restart
Mmmh, i tried yestarday and i confirm that i cannot start cool tv after upgrade to 6.0.5.
I also try to uninstall previous version and reinstall new one, but nothing.
Even if a have long press epg botton i don't see it.
This with last BH.
Tnx tea, the problem is that i cannot see Cool TV Guide setup in plugin list.Wrong Tamaki ,
the plugin is going great with BH 1.7.8
can prove by the photos,
after instalation you must setting in Cool TV Guide setup, make
click ok on Cool TV Guide setup,
then yellow button and there you must do attitude,
if you then Restart Gui,
Red button is great-looking photo Cool TV Guide
Green button and ok looking photo Cool Single Guide
Yellow button also ok Cool easy guide
Epg button also ok Cool info guide
Think the most rich and proves that it's going great at BH 1.7.8
Originally users have complained repeatedly oh I think it's CoolTV nowhere!
So we thought it was a good idea to place the same on the keys
but unfortunately that was not a good idea because new problems arise ...
Therefore, we think that's bad, the smaller set himself ...
and why now is the default to OFF
by several optimizations, it can also be that you need to adjust your settings in some new ...
But in the update brings more speed and all reported bugs to be fixed
have fun
alle gemeldeten Bugs sollten behoben sein...
ausserdem wurde an vielen Stellen vom Code optimiert,
dadurch laufen nun manche Teile viel flüssiger...
z.b. Bouquet wechsel, hoch runter steppen sollten nun auch schneller sein...
viel Spass
all reported bugs should be fixed ...
also been optimized in many areas of the code,
now in some parts run much smoother ...
e.g. Bouquet change, up and down quilt should now be even faster ...
have fun
and many bug fixes ...
The Picon display has been completely reworked ..
full support for alternatives ...
or at stations in the morning send a children's channel and a movie night ..
because the changes now with picon ...
(where the transmitter sends a different service name)
Service display name, whether long or short, can now be selected ...
a big problem again and again were the umlauts in UTF-8
just with OE1.6 and 2.0
You can now adjust the setup if it has to be now fixed in your box or not
and thus is now running on each box!
Should your e.g. get in Cool Search for a word with an umlaut no display
then goes into setup and makes the fix to YES ... then it should work ...
and also lots of little things that I did not come all
wish you all a Happy New Year ...