CutlistEditor Problem


Vu+ Newbie
Vu+ Solo2 Black Hole:

There is a problem with the CutlistEditor in the BH image, starting from version 2.1.1 to 2.1.5.
The problem is not operating buttons to scroll (back and forth), to pause and to stop. Only one operating button is play.
The latest image version operating correctly with CutlistEditor is BlackHole 2.1.0.
I can't uninstall and change CutlistEditor version because it is already inside the image.

Can this problem be resolved?

Best Regards
The problem already solved :)

The solution is as follows:

1. Locate the file /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/CutListEditor/keymap.xml (its content shall be as follows):
<map context="CutlistSeekActions">
<device name="dreambox remote control (native)">
<key id="KEY_YELLOW" mapto="pauseService" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_GREEN" mapto="unPauseService" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_RED" mapto="seekBack" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_BLUE" mapto="seekFwd" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_RED" mapto="seekBackManual" flags="l" />
<key id="KEY_BLUE" mapto="seekFwdManual" flags="l" />
<device name="dreambox advanced remote control (native)">
<key id="KEY_PLAY" mapto="playpauseService" flags="m" />
<!--key id="KEY_GREEN" mapto="unPauseService" flags="m" /-->
<key id="KEY_PREVIOUSSONG" mapto="seekBack" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_PREVIOUSSONG" mapto="seekBackManual" flags="l" />
<key id="KEY_NEXTSONG" mapto="seekFwd" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_NEXTSONG" mapto="seekFwdManual" flags="l" />

<key id="KEY_LEFT" mapto="seek:-1" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_RIGHT" mapto="seek:1" flags="m" />

<key id="KEY_1" mapto="seek:-10" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_3" mapto="seek:10" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_4" mapto="seek:-30" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_6" mapto="seek:30" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_7" mapto="seek:-90" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_9" mapto="seek:90" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_PREVIOUS" mapto="seek:-300" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_NEXT" mapto="seek:300" flags="m" />

<map context="CutListEditorActions">
<!-- <key id="KEY_NEXT" mapto="setIn" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_PREVIOUS" mapto="setOut" flags="m" /> -->
<!-- <key id="KEY_0" mapto="setMark" flags="m" /> -->
<!-- <key id="KEY_CHANNELUP" mapto="addMark" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_CHANNELDOWN" mapto="removeMark" flags="m" /> -->
<key id="KEY_EXIT" mapto="leave" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_ESC" mapto="leave" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_OK" mapto="showMenu" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_ENTER" mapto="showMenu" flags="m" />

2. Replace this file with the new one (you can backup old file keymap.xml before):
<map context="CutlistSeekActions">
<!--<device name="dreambox remote control (native)">
<key id="KEY_YELLOW" mapto="pauseService" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_GREEN" mapto="unPauseService" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_RED" mapto="seekBack" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_BLUE" mapto="seekFwd" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_RED" mapto="seekBackManual" flags="l" />
<key id="KEY_BLUE" mapto="seekFwdManual" flags="l" />
<device name="dreambox advanced remote control (native)">
<!--key id="KEY_PLAY" mapto="playpauseService" flags="m" /-->
<!--key id="KEY_GREEN" mapto="unPauseService" flags="m" /-->
<key id="KEY_PREVIOUSSONG" mapto="seekBack" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_PREVIOUSSONG" mapto="seekBackManual" flags="l" />
<key id="KEY_NEXTSONG" mapto="seekFwd" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_NEXTSONG" mapto="seekFwdManual" flags="l" />
<key id="KEY_PLAY" mapto="playpauseService" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_REWIND" mapto="seekBack" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_FASTFORWARD" mapto="seekFwd" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_REWIND" mapto="seekBackManual" flags="l" />
<key id="KEY_FASTFORWARD" mapto="seekFwdManual" flags="l" />

<key id="KEY_YELLOW" mapto="pauseService" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_GREEN" mapto="unPauseService" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_RED" mapto="seekBack" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_BLUE" mapto="seekFwd" flags="b" />
<key id="KEY_RED" mapto="seekBackManual" flags="l" />
<key id="KEY_BLUE" mapto="seekFwdManual" flags="l" />

<key id="KEY_LEFT" mapto="seek:-1" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_RIGHT" mapto="seek:1" flags="m" />

<key id="KEY_1" mapto="seek:-10" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_3" mapto="seek:10" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_4" mapto="seek:-30" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_6" mapto="seek:30" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_7" mapto="seek:-90" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_9" mapto="seek:90" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_PREVIOUS" mapto="seek:-300" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_NEXT" mapto="seek:300" flags="m" />

<map context="CutListEditorActions">
<!-- <key id="KEY_NEXT" mapto="setIn" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_PREVIOUS" mapto="setOut" flags="m" /> -->
<!-- <key id="KEY_0" mapto="setMark" flags="m" /> -->
<!-- <key id="KEY_CHANNELUP" mapto="addMark" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_CHANNELDOWN" mapto="removeMark" flags="m" /> -->
<key id="KEY_EXIT" mapto="leave" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_ESC" mapto="leave" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_OK" mapto="showMenu" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_ENTER" mapto="showMenu" flags="m" />
<key id="KEY_MENU" mapto="showMenu" flags="m" />

3. Restart GUI.

That is all.