Disabling default SMB shares


Vu+ Newbie
Hi everyone. There are two network shares which show up on my network by default when the Solo2 is up and running:

Configuration on Vuplus vusolo2 network services (Vusolo2)
Harddisk on Vuplus vusolo2 network services (Vusolo2)

Can anyone tell me if/how I can disable these? I would like only those shares I mount via the MountPoint Manager to appear on the network. Image is BH 3.0.3

It's actually subfolders of the hard disk I want to share, and the root folder appears to be necessary to do that in Mountpoints Management, so never mind. Still would be nice to know how to disable the config share. Cheers.
Ok, so the config file I've been looking for to do this turns out to be /etc/samba/smb.conf . Issue resolved.

Cheerio :)