
Shireoaks owls

Vu+ Newbie
Hi Guys I have a VU+UNO4KSE Sat box and I want to send information to my box using Dreambox Control Centre . When I load the DCC it shows my computer i.p.address , I enter my box i.p. address but will not connect.
So what I am asking could anybody give me infomation on how to connect my computer to sat box , and then how to transfer my details to DCC , when the details are on a e-mail

Any help will be appreciated.
DCC works fine with VU+ receivers, but it might depend what you're trying to do, and what image, you have loaded, on your VU+.
If using one of the later images, like OpenBh 5, you need to set a password, you can do this through the Network options, in your VU+.
You then need to connect, using your password, if using any programs, like Telnet, dreamboxEdit, Filezilla, etc..
Anyway, if he doesn't tell us the most important info, that's what image is he talking about, is difficult to help him.
People tell us the HW but forget to tell the operative system they use, like it was the HW to work by itself and not the OS to make the HW work...
Well i want defend novice users for all, But still this forum is named vuplus community so there will always be Vu+ owners that think of this forum as the Official Vu+ plus support forum ;)
The I agree information is of the essence if help is to be given proper :)

And mick12334 is luckely a mind reader so have probably allready solved the problem :victory:
Hi Guys sorry I didnt put up enough infomation , I am using Open Vix on a vu+uno se 4k sat box . I want to transfer a message from a e- mail . I have since first posting message managed to connect my computer to Sat Box using Dreambox Control Centre. The problem is that I dont know how to transfer my message in my e-mail , I persume I must copy my message and paste it, but dont know where to paste it to?
I suspect you're trying to do something that we're not allowed to discuss, on the forum:

) Discussions regarding, paedophilia, pornography, piracy (keys, emulators, card sharing,
softcams, serial, crack warez) and to any debate illegal under existing laws are not allowed.
Recall also that it is illegal to reproduce your subscription to any Sky decoder IC that
has not paid the royalties to NDS Group plc.
In order to prevent any discussion about the possible unlawful use of the receivers, it's forbidden
any debate about the smartcard reading and encoding systems.

If I'm wrong please post back.

There are video guides, on youtube, for certain things, including how to use telnet. Try a search for how to telnet IPTV to enigma 2
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