Dropbear security


Vu+ User

i want to add this to Black Hole how to, but i don't have rights to do this, so i put it here.

I use ssh for accessing my VU+ Solo2, and if you access machine from the internet, it's bad idea to allow password auth.

So here is how to disable password auth and allow only public key auth.

It's for linux users, if you use windows you can use Putty.

First make your own public key

on your desktop run

ssh-keygen -t dsa

there you may put the password for your key, but it's not required.

Then copy content of /yourhome/.ssh/id_dsa.pub to VU+ /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

From now you should be able to login without password.

And now disable password auth in dropbear.

Create file


and put in it


restart dropbear and that's all.

Now you may login only with accepted public key.

