Duo²/BH 204: Channels sort delete ... HOW?


Vu+ Newbie
i know i'm gonna love the box & BH in a few days :) but as a brand new user i am having too many difficulties now ...

how do i SORT / MOVE / DELETE / MANAGE chnnels ?
i know i'm gonna love the box & BH in a few days :) but as a brand new user i am having too many difficulties now ...

how do i SORT / MOVE / DELETE / MANAGE chnnels ?

You have 2 possibilities.
1. Use a PC settings editor like DreamSet or DreamboxEdit
2. Use your RC into channel list (press MENU button and you can see all the options to manager you channel list)
in Channel list menu, i see only the following 4 options:

* show transponder info
*add service to bouquet
*activate PinP

so what do i do to manage channels there?
in channel list menu I have:
- add service to bouquet,
- remove entry,
- activate picture in picture,
- enable move mode,
- add maker,
- enable bouquet edit,
- back.

TBH I've never used manual editor - and I do not know anyone (maybe I'm too young :)) who has used it. Most of users use pre-made channel list available from the feed.
okay :)
how to save the list into a USB stick for to edit in Dreamset later?

Uhm... I don't know where the channell list (or commonly named Settings) are stored on box.
If you have a LAN connection between your PC/Mac and your box the best choice is to use directly a setting seditor