DVB-C tuner problem on solose

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Vu+ Newbie

I have a Vu+ solose v2 receiver and I installed DVB-C tuner to watch cable tv. On VTI 8.2 image using scam 3.59 I can find all the channels and watch them. But on Latest update of Blackhole 3 image i can not find any channel and on VTI 9 i can only find 7 channels which would be at least 200 and *****/*****/scam can not decode them.
Permanent Timeshift is a must for me,that's why i want to update my image. I get bored of loading loop error on vti 8.2. Anyone have an idea what to do?
Thanks in advance.

I have a Vu+ solose v2 receiver and I installed DVB-C tuner to watch cable tv. On VTI 8.2 image using scam 3.59 I can find all the channels and watch them. But on Latest update of Blackhole 3 image i can not find any channel and on VTI 9 i can only find 7 channels which would be at least 200 and *****/*****/scam can not decode them.
Permanent Timeshift is a must for me,that's why i want to update my image. I get bored of loading loop error on vti 8.2. Anyone have an idea what to do?
Thanks in advance.
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