enable or disable DHCP if router is giving box static IP


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all

wonder if anybody can answer this for me. I have my router setup to give my vu+ solo2 box a static IP address as I feel that's the best way to have it setup. Now I want to know do I really need DHCP enabled on the actual vu+solo2 box as DHCP allocates an IP to devices doesn't it so in my setup its not needed am I correct?
if so I'm guessing could DHCP cause the box any problems with it being enabled?

thank you hope somebody can help
Hi all

wonder if anybody can answer this for me. I have my router setup to give my vu+ solo2 box a static IP address as I feel that's the best way to have it setup. Now I want to know do I really need DHCP enabled on the actual vu+solo2 box as DHCP allocates an IP to devices doesn't it so in my setup its not needed am I correct?
if so I'm guessing could DHCP cause the box any problems with it being enabled?

thank you hope somebody can help
If your router can make association between Mac-Address of your box and a specific IP address (DHCP Reservation) you MUST turn ON DHCP and the router assign always the IP address you select for the specific mac-address.
Other way to have a static IP is to setup into your box an IP NOT DISTRIBUITED by your router.

ok so how would I know which are used IP addresses

Look in your router
router default DHCP IP address range.

Most of the routers will use the first addresses from this range for local DHCP network.

Some support the giving static IP addresses within and outside of this range.
But most of it is not supported and should be a static address outside of this range.
ah ok so I have to use an ip address that isn't in that DHCP IP address range?

I can use with my router IP inside
and outside this range.

For your router I do not know.
If you do not have a problem with the conflict of IP addresses with other computers inside your local network, then it's OK
iv always had ym vu+ solo2 set for a static IP address and I don't notice any problems but all I wanted to know is on the actual vu+ solo2 box do I still need DHCP enabled? cos DHCP only assigned a device an IP address doesn't it, but as my box has a static address surely DHCP isn't needed isit?
iv always had ym vu+ solo2 set for a static IP address and I don't notice any problems but all I wanted to know is on the actual vu+ solo2 box do I still need DHCP enabled? cos DHCP only assigned a device an IP address doesn't it, but as my box has a static address surely DHCP isn't needed isit?

When DHCP switched on then your box receives an address from the router.
Box can not have two addresses.
you have to use DHCP or static.
i have similer question
my router supports dhcp reservation
could i assign 2 ip address to lan and wifi interfaces of box from router
could i assign 2 ip address to lan and wifi interfaces of box from router
LAN & WAN are different network interfaces and can have different IP addresses. But if you want to assign them, better do it not from router side, but in STB. Read message from Matrix10 - do not assign addresses from you routers DHCP pool.
LAN & WAN are different network interfaces and can have different IP addresses. But if you want to assign them, better do it not from router side, but in STB. Read message from Matrix10 - do not assign addresses from you routers DHCP pool.
could you explain why? please
i have managed to assign ip from dhcp poolto lan interface then i was able to access webinf from my pc butwhen i assign ip for wifi i can't access webinf over wifi .
any explanation why
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could you explain why? please
i have managed to assign ip from dhcp poolto lan interface then i was able to access webinf from my pc butwhen i assign ip for wifi i can't access webinf over wifi .
any explanation why
It's impossible!
I've all my boxes connected via Wifi and all of them are reacheable (OpenWebif, SSH, etc).

Check CAREFULLY with Green - Blue - Ifconfig feature what IP your box has obtained from your router.
Try to setup your box wireless security with the corresponding security setted up into your router (WPA if your wifi network is WPA or WPA2 if it's the corresponding crypt).
thank you
i have test network all tests is fine with wlan
the problem is i can't access openwebinf from my pc
i can't ping box from my pc over wifi