flash OpenBH 5.0 upon an openpli image on Ultimo4K


Vu+ Newbie
Tried flashing my VU Ultimo4K with USB "openbh-5.0.011.release-vuultimo4k" upon "openpli-8.1-release-vuultimo4k" . Start reading USB; then programming and then seems to start the flashing but does not succeed at the end. Everything goes well till r programming but afterwards seems to stuck on flashing . Tried a few times and waited for more than 20 minutes on flashing but in vain. Someone has an idea what went worng and/or has a solution. Tnx in advance. El
Did you format your USB stick, prior to downloading OpenBh?
Try a different USB stick, freshly formatted to FAT32, the older, smaller, USB sticks, usually work best.
Same here mates,Multiboot doesnt works on OBH 5.0.11,tryed myself many times,but have to go to BH in flash....
Back again ...

Tried with USBs fresh Formatted FAT32 for 4 GB , 2 GB and 1 GB but in vain.
Flashed (gave it a try ) with
- openbh-5.0.011.release-vuultimo4k-8624ac9d_usb
- BlackHole-3.1.0-vuultimo4k_usb_release_20201005_b5f1952
- vuplus-image-vuultimo4k-20210527153005_usb

But did not succeed

Is it sensible, desirable and/or possible to fully erase the internal HD an the have try ??????

Or are there other possibiities

Hopefull ....
You would be better off, just removing the internal hdd, and then trying (better option than formatting it and loosing everything on it).

If you have other usb devices connected, then remove those and if you have backups on the hdd then copy them to desktop and delete them too.