flash vu solo


Vu+ User
how to flash vu+solo with usb black hole 2.6 last ver. ?
i tried flash but nothing happen and the solo open on last imge 00 no flash
how to flash vu+solo with usb black hole 2.6 last ver. ?
i tried flash but nothing happen and the solo open on last imge 00 no flash

Last Blackhole Image version 2.1.6 --> http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/threads/black-hole-vu-solo-2-1-6-1-fast-iptv.22802/

New Open Black Hole 0.1 --> http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/threads/open-black-hole-0-1-update-06-06-2015-vu-solo.23259/

Turn off your STB on Rear Back Power Bottom.
Remove all usb devices attached to your STB.

Take a look here --> http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/threads/howto-flash-update-vu-images.11819/

And use it regarding your STB

Vu+ Solo

Update is done when green light blinks on the front panel.

best regards