my vu+ uno box is now packed up because i could not fix the green screen problem after trying everything. putty wont clean the user and pass block and i could not ftp it as a result. used every usb stick i have by formatting to fat32 but not working. the box wont recorgnise the usb. what i dont know, maybe is to change the file name to something like "patch.bin" or something else. want the original software if you have it or know where i can get it

Original images are located at web site.
Had this same problem with BH 1.7.8
Installed a couple of plugins, and the box was in a boot-loop.
The problem was "webinterface", the chrashlog said somtn about listening on same port...

So i used dcc and found the plugin there via ftp and deleted the folder.

/usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/Extensions ... just delete "webinterface"

It worked for me