Hard disk and new BH


Vu+ Newbie
Please i want to know, if i install a new black hole, i will lose all my records or not in my hard disk ?
Many thanks
Unless the operative systems for computer,s the so called image, that is the O.S of a linux receiver, DOES NOT reside in the HDD but in the Flash Memory.
So, you won't loose anything from your HDD when you install an image, because you'll write only the eMMC, the flash memory.
Only, beware of the fact that past versions of some images, immediately after the first boot, asked you for eventually formatting (and so, ERASING) the HDD. But I haven't seen this message any longer in the last years and in the images I've tried. Surely, it is not prompted in our BH and OBH.
Happy new year to all,
I have one question if install BH 3.0.8 in openMultiboot ,can i keep my BH 3.0.1.F ? so to have the possibilty to switch between two BH.
Many thanks
In theory it is possible but it's better to put the most recent image in flash and the old one in OMB because the OMB plugin will be the more updated version. So you can make a backup of your flash with 301, the you can zip it (give it a short name, like BH301), install the new BH in flash and then "install" your 301 backup in multiboot.

But you are completely OT here. Please, don't do like people who keep replying the same email not to create a new one with a appropriate subject.